
Doom Captcha verifies a person with the help of a minigame -apkrig

I don’t know how you do it, but I sincerely hate CAPTCHA systems. I don’t want to solve the confusion of letters and rewrite it. I’m tired of marking all the traffic lights in the photos. I don’t like looking for a mouse that can’t get to its cheese. This must go better. Half of these tests are already so complicated and hostile to the user that a robot that is supposed to distinguish them from a real human would have more patience with them.

Fortunately, I’m probably not the only one who thinks so, and there are inventive programmers who are still looking for effective but less annoying alternatives. One of them could be Doom Captcha, or someone can be inspired by this idea in the future. Spanish developer Miquel Camps Orteza came up with a fun variation in the style of Doom.

The result is a simple mini-game. You must shoot four enemies within the time limit. There is even sound and music. Looking back at the fact that the test is based on licensed content, it’s a simple prototype that you don’t need any complicated graphics or animations. Thanks to the fact that Miquel Camps Orteza chose Doom for his experiment, the idea is also easier to spread to the public. Doom is not only a good benchmark of any hardware, but it can also attract attention in various forms.

Orteza admits that it is more of an attempt and protection can be broken. The concept came into being very quickly. He himself says self-critically that there are other and better projects. But it is something that could show other colleagues a potential path. Gamification of these annoying mechanisms would certainly amuse even non-players. And nostalgia seems to always work. It is the contrast between the annoyance of normal solutions and the fun of Doom that attracted attention to the project.

Squat Captcha is also worth a visit. As the author himself says, it is the worst Captcha ever. It is verified by the user doing 10 squats in front of the webcam.

However, Miquel Camps Orteza says that in order for a similar idea to take hold and work, it would be necessary to create a backend on the server side that would evaluate the user’s reactions. After all, the author himself inserted a small trick into his creation, how to deceive the test. Game gimmick said cheat. Just try writing IDDQD after starting the game. You will automatically succeed. But it only works on the desktop and in selected browsers.

Orteza obviously likes to play. And even at work. You will find a number of other interesting things on his website. For example, he created a number of interactive biographies that look like various computer games. We can name Age of Empires or Commandos for all of them. Squat Captcha is also worth a visit. As he says, it’s the worst Captcha ever. It is verified by the user doing 10 squats in front of the webcam.

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