
Does your baby wake up if his teat falls out? You can do this

Is your baby younger than eight months? Then Myrthe’s advice is: ‘Let the teat disappear cold turkey. So don’t give it any more, not even during the day. This can cause some spicy nights and maybe even make your baby fall asleep less well, but for children of that age it takes up to a week before they forget the existence of the teat. ‘

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Glow in the dark

For children who are already old enough to reach for the pacifier at night, Myrthe says the following: ‘Make it easy for your child and learn that he can take his teat himself. For example, buy several glow in the darkpacifiers and put them all in the crib so your child can always find one. A pacifier cloth can also help. And very important: do not intervene too quickly if you notice that he cannot find one, this will teach him that he sometimes really has to search.

Everything about weaning is explained in the YouTube video of

Myrthe Stapper is a certified child sleep coach and founder of

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