Court gives green light to deputy sheriffs
The vigilantes in the form of the police or the regulatory office are actually responsible for illegal parkers. Some citizens in Germany are not satisfied with the fact that illegal parkers repeatedly cause dangerous situations. A court now gives the green light for private deputies.
Court allows photo when displaying illegal parkers
Two men have received a warning of 100 euros from the Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision. They had taken photos of parking violations and sent them to the police. This was supposed to be a violation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Both men did not want to pay the fine and went to court. The case was merged because of the similarities and a verdict was rendered. Accordingly, it is not a violation of the GDPR to take a photo to accompany a parking violation report to document the incident. The verdict is not yet final, but it will be of enormous importance (source: Bavarian Administrative Court Ansbach (PDF)).
Because if the fundamental judgment goes through and is confirmed, then basically every citizen can document illegal parking and report it to the police with a photo. A report by telephone is already possible, but the illegal parkers are often gone again before the police or regulatory office are on site. In this way, the violation could be documented and reported. This can have a major impact, especially when parking on bike lanes or footpaths, causing people to be handicapped or having to swerve onto the street, where they are exposed to unnecessary danger.
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German environmental aid welcomes decision
“The authorities should not take action against civil society commitment, but rather take consistent measures against blocked footpaths and cycle paths, illegal parking in front of lowered curbs or at intersections. And not just in Bavaria, but nationwide,” says Jürgen Resch, Federal Director of the German Environmental Aid. We will continue to keep the case under review.
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