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Apple Car: a director of autonomous driving leaves the company

CJ Moore, who joined Apple less than a year ago, is already leaving the company. He officiated as director of autonomous driving for the future car of the iPhone manufacturer, the famous Apple Car.

New start in the Apple Car team

CJ Moore is leaving Apple to join Luminar, a company that deals with technologies for autonomous vehicles. In a statement, Luminar says its new employee will lead the company’s global software development team. The executive had been director of autonomous systems at Apple since August 2021, after working on autopilot software at Tesla for nearly seven years.

Naturally, a question may arise: why this departure? There’s no answer. But one thing is certain: this is far from being the only departure from the team dealing with the Apple Car. Indeed, several key employees have left Apple over the months. Recently, Ian Goodfellow (director of machine learning) left for a subsidiary of Google.

The latest news is that Apple wants to create an electric car with truly autonomous driving. The project is supervised by Kevin Lynch. Apple would like its vehicle to have neither steering wheel nor pedals. The launch would not take place before 2025. But this niche seems ambitious, it must be admitted.

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