Aldi Talk is one of the most popular prepaid tariffs in Germany. This is also due to the fact that the offer is clear and actually self-explanatory. The Federation of Consumer Organizations sees things differently and has sued because of an important advertising promise. The court sides with consumer advocates.

Aldi Talk is no longer allowed to advertise with everything

Advertising in Germany must correspond to the facts. If something is promised that cannot be kept, then that is not allowed. The Federal Association of Consumers was disturbed by the statement by Aldi Talk that for the Prepaid tariff no minimum turnover is necessary. That is wrong, because customers have to top up money regularly so that the SIM card is not deactivated.

After activating the Aldi-Talk SIM card, customers have 12 months to use up the included credit. They then have another 12 months to use the card without having to top up their credit. Until then, no minimum turnover is necessary, but after that it is. Because so that the card is not deactivated, at least 5 euros must be loaded in order to be able to use the card for another 4 months. If you have reached a maximum of 200 euros, you can no longer top up your credit and it must be used up so that a further four-month extension is possible. This does not correspond to the advertising promise and is therefore wrong. The Essen Regional Court agreed to this in a judgment that is not yet final (source: VZBV).

What you should know about Aldi Talk:

“No minimum sales” at Aldi Talk is misleading

Accordingly, Aldi Talk may no longer advertise in the future that the prepaid tariff can be used without a minimum turnover. Anyone who buys the SIM card and believes that they will not have any further costs with it will be misled by the statement. In fact, you have to deposit money and use it at some point. Accordingly, this promise from Aldi Talk is not correct and may no longer be made.