Airlines want to do without co-pilots
If the European Aviation Safety Organization (EASA) has its way, there will only be one human pilot in the cockpit by 2030. In an emergency, a computer based on artificial intelligence should take over.
Artificial intelligence and algorithms are taking on more and more everyday tasks for us. But does the automation of processes always make sense? Tries a middle ground now to find the European Organization for the Safety of Aviation (EASA).. However, a recently submitted proposal seems to go a bit too far for many.
Because EASA’s plans envisage that in future only one pilot should be present in the aircraft cockpit. AI systems and a computer should take over in an emergency. However, such a system should not be ready for use until 2030 at the earliest.
Airlines: Artificial intelligence to replace co-pilots
This could mean that in the future computers will take control of aircraft. But it will probably take a little longer. Because even if artificial intelligence and algorithms are available in eight years, extensive tests will be required before the systems can actually be used.
If computers then actually manage to land and fly maneuvers fully autonomously, there will probably still be a queasy feeling if, in an emergency, a machine takes over instead of a human being.
In addition to the pilot, the passengers also play an essential role. Because if you don’t feel safe during a flight, you’ll probably switch to the competition. However, it is still completely unclear who would assume responsibility in the event of a fatal accident.
Co-Pilot Computers: Benefits and Risks
For example, if the only human pilot faints and the plane crashes as a result of the computer’s decisions, problems similar to those with autonomous cars are revealed. Autonomous aviation could then come to an abrupt end. So it remains to be seen how those responsible will deal with the proposal from EASA.
In addition to greater efficiency, the airlines expect cost savings. In addition, there will be a lack of trained specialists in the coming years, especially since flight personnel are already difficult to find today. So Captain Computer could also be a real relief for the entire industry.
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