The prices for electricity and gas have already risen at many energy suppliers and will rise again significantly in October. From then on, the suppliers will be able to pass on the higher prices paid on the market to the customers. Saving gas could be doubly worthwhile because an energy supplier wants to reward this with a savings bonus.

EnBW wants to pay you for saving gas

The energy supplier EnBW recently announced that electricity prices will rise by around 31 percent. From October, this company also intends to pass on the higher purchase prices on the energy market to its customers. The energy supplier reserves the right to further price increases, as the situation is currently unpredictable. For that he wants Energy suppliers forego closures and are also planning a savings premium for gas (Source: daily News).

Existing customers of EnBW should therefore be rewarded with 100 euros if they use at least 10 percent less gas compared to the last heating period. That should be an additional incentive to actually save gas. Because that way you would not only relieve your wallet by having to pay less for gas, but you would also receive an additional 100 euros as a savings bonus. Ultimately, EnBW customers would benefit twice over.

If you can, you should install a balcony power plant:

How can gas be saved?

There are many simple tips and tricks to save gas:

  • For example, you should get in the habit of showering instead of bathing.
  • You should also wash your hands with cold water so that the thermal bath does not have to be switched on all the time. By the time warm water reaches you, you’re already done.
  • Lowers the room temperature slightly. Every degree less saves around 6 percent on heating costs.
  • Uses smart heating thermostats and regulates the heating individually for each room.
  • Seals windows and doors. If a window pulls, the heat produced is gone immediately.
  • Have a heating engineer check the settings of the gas boiler or do it yourself. Most spas are designed for comfort, not efficiency. If you only change the heating curve slightly and lower the flow temperature, that saves a lot of gas. I was able to save about 25 percent gas compared to the previous year. (If you have a hot water tank, then at least 60 degrees is required to avoid legionella.)

Saving gas is actually very easy in everyday life. You only have to get used to it once, and then it will become normal for you, as it has been for me for many years.